Friday, June 3, 2011

A few questions...

June 10, 2008


....and a Few Answers:

Not that I know everything, but here it goes!

How many aprons do you make in a week?
It defers from week to week, but I try to keep it to less than four, just for my own stress level. I've still got to be a mom and naptime only lasts so long. :) It seems that there are larger rushes close to the holidays (Christmas, Valentines Day, and Mothers Day) and during those weeks I tend to take on WAY too much. :)

How much fabric do you buy at a time?

Well, this is actually the first time I have bought fabric by the bolt, so we will learn together. Right now I am buying enough fabric to make about 300 of each apron style. That's what I call a heck of a lot of fabric! And one nervous girl....the good kind of nervous right?! :)

How much fabric do you currently have?

Way too much! :) I'm sure that is what my husband would say. I tend to go into fabric stores ready to buy enough fabric for just one apron and come out with arm fulls...oops. It just soooo hard to choose sometimes. Okay, back to the question currently in my possession I own...124 Bolts (that's 1860 yards of fabric) with about that much still on its ways. Crazy.

How many aprons do you make ahead of time?
I used to be WAY more on the ball than I am currently and maybe it is because we just had mother's day, but currently I only have one of each style in stock. When I was more on top of things I had about 3-4 of each style in stock. Still not much, but it just helps so I am not in a huge rush if I have an order.

The AWESOME pictures you had taken, what are they for?
You can see the pictures here.
They were/are for a catalog I put together. I put a catalog together and have sent it out to some really awesome, BIG companies that might be interested in carrying the aprons. I'll keep you posted on what is decided there, for now just keep your fingers crossed.

What kind of fabric do you like to use for your aprons (100% Cotton etc)?
I love 100% cotton! Because I love the feel and the quality. It does depend on what your project is, but almost always you can find what you need in a quilt store. You also mentioned that you feel like your projects come out feeling cheap or look thin, I have to say most aprons out there are that way too, but I really have a hard time cutting quality and end up LINING everything, which really helps make something feel higher in the quality department.

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